Header image showing course title and mascot
Welcome to the CMU WebApps course website. For details about this course, please see our syllabus and course calendar.
To access the course servers, you will need to login with your Andrew identity.
When you are enrolled in this course, you will be able to access the following websites:
  1. Canvas – lecture slides, homework assignments, and links to lecture videos (on Panopto), sample code (on GitHub) and quizzes (on various platforms)
  2. Piazza – Q&A and course announcements
  3. GitHub – Click here for information on GitHub repos used in this course
  4. AutoGrader – our homework grading server
  5. Graded Assignments – view graded paper quizzes and midterm assignments here
  6. html_examples – example HTML files shown in class
  7. javascript_examples – example JavaScript files shown in class
  8. intro – A few simple, "HelloWorld-like" examples
  9. hidden – An example showing the use of hidden fields.
  10. shared – A "shared" to do list example. All users will see the same list.
  11. private – A "private" to do list example. Each browser instance will have its own list.
  12. todolist2 – A shared to do list that stores it's data in the database, demonstrating Models.
  13. addrbook2 – a follow-on version of AddrBook that stores it data in a database, demonstrating Models and ModelForms.
  14. picture_list – A shared"to do list" that allows pictures to be posted, demonstrating use of uploading, storing, and sending images (and files, generally).
Other links will be added to this list as they are discussed in class.